Peterson et al. v. BSH Home Appliances Corporation

The deadline to submit a claim form expired on February 12, 2025.

What is the Lawsuit About?

The Lawsuits claim that Class Products are equipped with defective VFD control panels, in that the design of the control panels causes the panels to fade, dim, become unreadable, and/or fail altogether.

Defendant denies that it has committed or engaged in any misconduct, wrongdoing, or other actionable conduct, denies that the Class Products are defective, denies that the control panels fade or dim, denies all liability, and asserts numerous defenses to Plaintiffs’ allegations.

The Settlement does not include personal injury or property damage claims other than for damage to the Class Product itself, and the Settlement does not release any of these claims.

How do I know if I am part of the Settlement?

To determine if you are a Class Member, you need to verify that the model number and serial number of your microwave/oven combination is listed among qualifying Class Products in the Settlement. These specific microwave/ovens have Model Numbers HBL5751UC, HBL8751UC, HBLP751UC, HMC80151UC, HMC80251UC, and HMC87151UC. You can also visit the “Court Documents” page for more information.

What Does the Settlement Provide?

Bosch will pay a maximum of up to $2,000,000 (“Settlement Fund”) for reimbursement of sufficiently documented out-of-pocket costs up to $400.00 per claim with proof that such out-of-pocket costs related to the Past Display Failure; and/or an extended service plan benefit of three (3) years from the date of purchase, wherein Bosch would replace any VFD control panel that experienced a Display Failure. In addition, Service Awards to the Class Representatives, Notice and Administration to the Settlement Administrator, and Attorney’s Fees to Class Counsel will be paid from Settlement Fund. If the total amount of refund claims exceeds the funds available to the Class, the amount paid on each claim will be reduced pro-rata.



Tier 1(a):
September 3, 2024

Tier 1(b) and Tier 2*:
February 12, 2025

*210 days from the effective date of the settlement, or the remainder of the extended service plan, whichever is longer.
Submitting a Claim Form is the only way to seek benefits relating to a Class Products microwave/oven with VFD control panel Display Failure. For repairs or replacements occurring prior to the date you received the settlement Notice, your deadline to submit a claim form is September 3, 2024. For repairs or replacements occurring after the date you received the Settlement Notice, your deadline to submit a claim is within 90 days following the repair. 

If you had a Display Failure on or before March 7, 2024, you may qualify under Tier 1 benefits of this settlement Including:

Tier 1: If you had a Display Failure on or before March 7, 2024, you may qualify for benefits including:

Tier 1(a): Reimbursement up to $400.00 for out-of-pockets costs.

Tier 1(b): Extended service plan benefit of three (3) years.

Tier 2: If you had a Display Failure after March 7, 2024, you may qualify for an extended service plan benefit of three (3) years.
EXCLUDE YOURSELF FROM THE SETTLEMENT BY APRIL 25, 2024. Excluding yourself, or “opting out,” is the only option that allows you to ever be part of another lawsuit against Bosch for the legal claims resolved by this Settlement. If you exclude yourself from this Settlement, you will not be entitled to any of the benefits provided by this Settlement.
OBJECT TO THE SETTLEMENT BY APRIL 25, 2024. Mailing an objection is the only way to tell the Court that you are unhappy with any aspect of the Settlement.
GO TO A HEARING ON JUNE 13, 2024 You may request an opportunity to speak in Court about the fairness of the Settlement.
DO NOTHING If you do not object to the Settlement, exclude yourself from the Settlement or make a claim for a past or future Display Failure as part of this Settlement, you will not receive any benefits of this Settlement, and you will give up your right to ever be part of another lawsuit against Defendant about the legal claims resolved by this Settlement.